Alyssa Carson Joins Capstone Session

The closing capstone session for the Space Education Summit on November 10, 2023 features Alyssa Carson will join us for the closing Capstone Session on November 10, 2023! You can register for free now.

Alyssa Carson, also known by the call sign Blueberry, is an American student with the goal of training to become an astronaut and to be selected for future human spaceflight to Mars. In 2019, Alyssa enrolled at Florida Institute of Technology to study astrobiology, and is now continuing her education with a PhD in space and planetary science at the University of Arkansas. In 2022, Alyssa was selected as one of five influencers in the world to work with NATO. She is also a member of The Explorers Club as the youngest full member accepted.

We look forward to hearing about Alyssa’s experiences preparing for her own future in space, and about her passion for increasing access to opportunities in STEM for girls and women. We can’t wait to hear her advice for teachers and students.

A FREE ONLINE event, the summit brings together educators, enthusiasts, and professionals from many fields… to explore ways humanity might prepare for the growing space economy and a rapidly approaching multi-planet future. Our planning team is inspired by the Overview Effect, and a desire to help more people benefit from it here on Earth. See past sessions and hightlights on our YouTube Channel.

The event is produced in partnership with Aldrin Family Foundation, ARES Learning, Celestial Citizen, Club for The Future, EarthScape VR, The Human Space Program, and Ignighted Thinkers.

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