Nicole Stott Joins Opening Astronaut Panel

The Space Education Summit team is thrilled to announce that Nicole Stott will join us as part of the Astronaut Panel for our opening session on November 10, 2023! You can register for free now.

Nicole is an astronaut, aquanaut, artist, and author of Back to Earth ~ What Life In Space Taught Me About Our Home Planet - And Our Mission To Protect It. Nicole is a veteran NASA Astronaut with two spaceflights and 104 days living and working in space as a crewmember on both the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle. She was the 10th woman to perform a spacewalk, first person to operate the ISS robotic arm to capture a free-flying cargo vehicle, and the first person to complete a watercolor in space (on display at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum).

We look forward to hearing about Nicole’s experiences in space, her perspective on sharing the beauty of the Earth, and her focus on space art. We can’t wait to hear her advice for educators and students preparing for humanity’s future in space.

A FREE ONLINE event, the summit brings together educators, enthusiasts, and professionals from many fields… to explore ways humanity might prepare for the growing space economy and a rapidly approaching multi-planet future. Our planning team is inspired by the Overview Effect, and a desire to help more people benefit from it here on Earth. See past sessions and hightlights on our YouTube Channel.

The event is produced in partnership with Aldrin Family Foundation, ARES Learning, Celestial Citizen, Club for The Future, EarthScape VR, The Human Space Program, and Ignighted Thinkers.

Register for FREE


Sharon Hagle Joins Opening Astronaut Panel


Capstone Session with Frank White and Rick Tumlinson