Ron Rosano to Join Opening Astronaut Panel

Space Education Summit co-host Ron Rosano flew on Galactic 04 on October 6th! Now he’ll join the Opening Astronaut Panel at the summit on November 10, 2023. You can register for free now to be a part of the Q & A yourself.

Ron has been pursuing his passion of inspiring students about space travel for over 25 years, as an informal astronomy and spaceflight educator with several different programs. Ron is the organizer of Galactic Unite Spacechats (live Q&A video calls), connecting Virgin Galactic staff and astronauts with over 12,000 students from over 200 schools and 13 different countries. Since 2008, he has conducted more than 70 events as a NASA Solar System Ambassador, giving presentations on Mars rovers, The James Webb Space Telescope, the Apollo Moon landings, commercial space flight, and more.

We look forward to hearing about Ron’s experience with the Overview Effect only a month after his spaceflight. As a long time space educator, he’s sure to have great advice for students and teachers too.

A FREE ONLINE event, the summit brings together educators, enthusiasts, and professionals from many fields… to explore ways humanity might prepare for the growing space economy and a rapidly approaching multi-planet future. Our planning team is inspired by the Overview Effect, and a desire to help more people benefit from it here on Earth. See past sessions and highlights on our YouTube Channel.

The event is produced in partnership with Aldrin Family Foundation, ARES Learning, Celestial Citizen, Club for The Future, EarthScape VR, The Human Space Program, and Ignighted Thinkers.

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