Space Education in Australia

Join my session and learn about Australia and space. We will showcase the best One Giant Leap Australia has to offer and what education outreach opportunities are available for global educators to join us. We have an exciting new project that we will announce at the summit. Come and join in the fun!

Jenna McCarthy (BT/BA) is a highly experienced educator who has taught in Australia, America and Japan. She is now the Education Outreach Manager for the One Giant Leap Australia Foundation. This company enables students to participate in unique, immersive STEM activities, opportunities to talk to and work with industry experts to solve real life problems. Jenna has organised and delivered a variety of space education programs to maximise student knowledge and understanding of space, aviation and careers in STEM. These programs have a focus on educating students and providing them with equitable, life changing experiences to help shape their future.

One Giant Leap Australia