Blue Origin's Club for the Future K-12 STEM Outreach
Club for the Future is Blue Origin's non profit focused on inspiring underrepresented students to enter into STEM careers. Come hear about the Postcards to Space program and the different free STEM/Space lessons and resources Club has to offer including lessons with Microsoft and Estes Rockets.
Kristen Yip is the Education Program Manager for Blue Origin’s non-profit Club for the Future. Prior to joining Club, Kristen taught middle school and high school science in the Seattle and Bellevue School districts as well as in international schools in China. She then worked as the lead STEM program Manager for a federally funded GEAR UP grant out of the University of Washington where she helped create STEM programming for low income, first generation, and/or students of color in 4 school districts south of Seattle. Kristen currently works with partners to create STEM lessons and resources that can be utilized in formal and informal education to inspire students to go into STEM and/or space careers.