Paving the Way for Space Education in Croatia

In this session I will explain how I introduced a first ever NASA JPL based education curriculum in a pilot project with a school in Zagreb, Croatia. This was the first step in a continuing activity of promoting and introducing space education in elementary schools in Croatia. Currently, the program is spreading towards more schools in Croatia as well as new pilot projects in the region. Thanks to the Lady Rocket Foundation, we now have a base to move to high schools, but universities as well.

Igor Bobek's passion for space travel and exploration started at a very early age and has continued throughout his life. This passion is focused fiirst and foremost on humans in space. As a business and public service professional, most of his activities focused on business cooperation platforms, EU funding, consulting and public speaking. He is also a creator of several space projects, including a space start-up AVISA SPACE and a former space travel news site called Destination Space. Apart from his own projects, he is one of the producers of MarsTalk, a Mars educational YouTube channel powered by the Mars Society and the ambassador to the Adriatic region for the Lady Rocket Foundation.
