Nations, Money, UFOs and Human Expansion

In regard to human expansion beyond Earth, this session will identify common limiting assumptions around 1) the nation-state system as currently configured and 2) global capitalism and other scarcity-based economic structures in practice today. The session will outline alternatives to both in the forms of 1) cultural bio-regions and 2) abundance-based synergistic interchange respectively. Within these two broad integrated contexts, the UFO/UAP coverup-discovery dynamic since 1947 will be addressed in response to ongoing contributions to UFOlogy among Richard Dolan, Michio Kaku and Jeremy Corbell.

Martin Schwab, Ph.D.

PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACH: Synergistic and abundance-based economic interchange to replace mono-global hierarchies with accelerated and sustained mutual human expansion across solar system(s).

PRIMARY CONTRIBUTIONS: Guest instructor (2015-16) of international relations at Tecnologico de Monterrey - Campus Cuernavaca (Morelos, Mexico), author of Homeplanet Defense (2014, 2005) and inventor-moderator of the 3x3 Global Drills process ( in 2012 for synergistic prototyping against multiple mega-threats.

ACADEMIC BACKGROUND: Ph.D., Political Science (International Relations), University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2012; M.P.I.A., International Security Studies, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, 2002; B.A., History, University of Dayton, 1995.