Session 2
10:30 - 11:30 AM PDT
Consciousness 2
Humanity's Change of Heart
Presenter: Claudia Welss
The Overview Effect is a mind-bending event that can open a portal to cosmic consciousness, if only temporarily. What is the role of the heart in making the most of this opportunity for ourselves and for Humanity?
Claudia Welss is Chair of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a scientific research non-profit in CA, USA founded by Apollo 14 astronaut Capt. Ed Mitchell 2 years after experiencing the Overview Effect while returning from the moon in 1971. She's lead citizen scientist for GCP2.0 (in development), the next-gen version of the original Global Consciousness Project established at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab (PEAR). Claudia's on the boards of Space for Humanity, HeartMath Institute's Global Coherence Initiative (GCI), and is founding chair of a working group at NEXUS Global to bring practical consciousness research to philanthropists, impact investors, and social innovators. She's an executive producer of the Edgar Mitchell Overview Effect Virtual Reality Experience (Raw Science Film Festival, 2020 award) and contributing author of the award-winning anthology, “Our Moment of Choice.” (Simon & Schuster). Previously Claudia was at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business developing programs for corporations with a special focus on CSR/ESG.