Space Education Preconference
October 27, 2022

IMPORTANT: This preconfernce event has bene CANCELED.
Tickets are still available for the New Worlds Conference in Austin, TX October 28 & 29.

How might we best prepare students…

  • For the growing space economy?

  • For humanity’s multi-planet future?

This full-day preconference event focuses on preparing students for the growing space economy, and for humanity’s rapidly approaching multi-planet future. Including a morning keynote, a panel of space education experts, and a variety of interactive sessions (from a gallery walk to action research) the experience is designed to inspire and empower educators, or anyone who cares about the next generation of space explorers - and space entrepreneurs.

Opening Keynote and Expert Panel

The preconference experience begins with a welcome session introducing a variety of space education resources, followed by an inspirational keynote address delivered by a very special guest. Following the keynote, a panel of space education experts and influential industry insiders take the stage for a lively Q & A session with the audience.


Gallery Discussions & Action Research

Following the expert panel, the day becomes even more interactive. All participants are invited to participate in a Gallery Walk featuring discussion topics relevant to space education, from tips for facilitating hands-on STEM lessons to discussions of ethics, equity, and why space matters. Participants vote with their feet to participate in the discussions most meaningful to them. In the afternoon, everyone also has the opportunity to participate in action research focused on space entrepreneurship for students.


Vision Development

The afternoon includes an introduction of the skill sets and mindsets students need to be successful in the future space economy - and all of the industries that will be influenced by space technology, whatever path they choose in life. The presentation includes a vision for a new kind of school focused on space exploration. Then participants engage in an activity to help them craft their own vision for preparing students.


Let’s Light This Candle!

Finally the day culminates with a high energy “ignight style” session where participants are invited to share their own vision, resources, or inspiring ideas. A dozen participants will have three minutes on stage to present to the room. With a fun and competative atmosphere, prizes will be offered for the best presentations. Everyone stands to learn even more from the experts in the room!

Key Information

Event: Space Education Preconference
Date: October 27, 2022
Times: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: AT&T Hotel and Conference Center*
Cost: $199**

* Conference Room Rates Available.

** Discounted package deals are available below for this preconference plus the New Worlds Conference ($299) and for the best value, this preconference, the New Worlds Conference, and the Space Cowboy Ball ($399).

Hosted By ARES Learning.

Explore even further by staying for the New Worlds Conference
and Space Cowboy Ball on the 28th and 29th.


Feel free to contact us with any questions. One of our team will reply shortly. This is also a great way to make sure you are on our list when we announce that registration is open for the next event.