Session 3
12:30 - 1:30 PM PDT
Consciousness 2
¿How do we need to prepare our children for space careers?:
SOLE session experience for high performance space travel.
Presenter: Oscar O'Farrill
This session will be a combination of presenter exposition and dialogue between participants emulating a SOLE session experience to answer the big question: ¿How do we need to prepare our children for (deep) space performance expeditions? We´ll have a quick look at some variables of past and current situation of the school system structure(s), and the potential need to develop High Performance Psychological and Consciousness Education programs to prepare children and humanity for the (apparent) inevitable future of deep space travel.
Introduction: 5-10 min
Big question: 10 min.
Presentation: 20-30 min
Closing: 10 min."
Oscar is a sychologist from the Universidad Iberoamericana and studies of MSc. in Cognitive Psychology and Learning at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Argentina and the Autonomous University of Madrid.
He is also founder, clinical psychologist, and lead researcher of the Ecosystem for Human Development and Consciousness Studies, SOLE México, and current member of the Psychology Proto Task-Force of the Overview Round Table and The Human Space Program.
His current research interests and projects involve:
- Self Organized Learning Environments (SOLE), AI and cutting edge technologies for teaching and learning processes.
- Neurocognition and expanded states of consciousness.
- High performance development and sports psychology.
- Artistic expression and flow states.
- Mind, self and brain theories and quantum physics.
- Space travel, mental health and performance.
He has experience as a consultant in Educational Innovation for schools, unschooling projects, NPO´s, companies and organizations (such as UNESCO, Save The Children, SEP México, Google, Endless Computers OS, Coca-Cola, Korn Ferry, Danone and more).
His goal has been co-creating and implementing cutting-edge psycho-pedagogical processes within their teaching-learning methodologies, supported by technology and digital resources including AI development, SOLE, PBL, STEAM, Blended Learning, Design Thinking and more. He has been a teacher at elementary, high school and college levels, and a researcher at University and Postgraduate levels.
In the sports field, he has worked as a High Performance Psychologist for male and female athletes of various disciplines and ages. He was a player of the National Rugby Team with participation in 13 world cups, Pan American (1), Central American (3), NACRA (2) and Hong Kong 7s (1) games, among others, acquiring diverse distinctions as MVP, captain, and leadership roles. He was coach of the U18 and Senior National Team, and the representative team of the IBERO University.
Musician, singer-songwriter, sound therapist having performed at various festivals, concerts, and workshops in Europe, Mexico and Argentina.